February was quite busy, but since more people than I imagined actually read my blog last month, I decided to write a little more before I sent out the March Sustainability Coaching issue. Besides, I am sincere about wanting to walk my talk. BUT ... I have lots of empathy for anyone who wants to be sustainable in this day and age. It is difficult finding the time.
Yesterday I decided to turn off all our water, take a picture of the water meter to record the exact reading, and then read it again exactly two hours later. That's how to find out whether you have a hidden leak. I'm really hoping we don't one because that sounds expensive.
You'll notice I said "hoping" ... as in the present tense. That's because it's harder than you might think to break your household's water habits. Two hours doesn't seem like a long time, but apparently it is. I decided I'd have to wait until the evening and go out there with a flashlight, but then I forgot. So I'm still working on this one; but I do have a few comments I can make now.
First, a word of warning. Be sure to turn off the automatic ice maker in your freezer.
Second, I'm finding during my quest to be energy efficient that it isn't often a clean job. My husband would probably take offense at my complaint. Somehow he always gets involved in my outdoor tasks. I doubt he would call it free will. But hey, I AM very grateful.
I probably would not have discovered how to open the water meter encasement without breaking all my nails were it not for "my husband." (He's not sure how we feels about me spreading his name around the Web.) There's a very small knob that you must turn first to unlock it. I also found it wise when my husband used a flathead screwdriver to leverage the heavy metal top open.
I'll have to finish this later!
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